
George Walford: Editorial Notes

TENDER IS THE… A new treatment for pain in the lower back entails an injection of meat tenderiser into the affected area. If we had been treated like that we’d keep a wary eye out for anyone coming near with a carving knife – or a knife and fork, for that matter. SUPPORT FOR JARGON… read more »

Zvi Lamm: Ideologies in a Hierarchal Order

The article which follows is reprinted (slightly edited) with permission from Science and Public Policy, February 1984. The author is Zvi Lamm, MA, PhD, of the School of Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. – GW Professor Zvi Lamm served in the British Army in Europe (1943 – 46) and with the Israeli Defence Forces (1950… read more »

George Walford: Did Walsby Get This Bit Wrong?

I have said and written a good deal about Harold Walsby’s theories and have always set myself as it were on his side, accepting what he said and trying to take it farther. But there is one paper he issued which I am not able to accept; his diagram entitled “Attitude to Paradox,” which appears… read more »

George Walford: Where Do We Go from Here?

This is intended to be the first of a series of articles (it will probably not be a regular series) speculating on the future development of systematic ideology, its future development not just as a theory but as a body of opinion, in relation to society at large. The main features of the theory, so… read more »

George Walford: Some Notes on the Ideology of Religion

Ideology affects all our volitional behaviour, but there are large areas of volitional activity, occupying much of the attention of a great many people, to which ideological theory has hardly been applied at all. One of these is religion. To treat this very extensive and difficult subject with any great depth will be a massive… read more »

George Hay: The Ideology of an Explosion

If we consider the ideologies studies in s.i., in terms of what they are actually doing, we can look at them also in ways which will enable us to give them action definitions, which relate them dynamically, and will perhaps help us more easily to predict their results. Thus, let us start with the protostatic,… read more »

George Walford: Names for the Major Ideologies

Nobody claims that the present “standard” series of names for the major ideologies – “protostatic” to “metadynamic” is ideal. It is not even sufficient. One feature of each ideologies a particular view of the ideological series, and this means we need at least six more sets of terms for the major ideologies, each set defining… read more »

George Walford: Rethinking Revolution

Toward the end of 1979 Margaret Chisman invited me to give a talk to South Place Ethical Society under the title: A SYSTEMATIC IDEOLOGIST LOOKS AT REVOLUTION. As a former Marxist I had long been interested in revolution, but since taking up systematic ideology I had never really sat down and thought about it. When,… read more »

George Walford: Sir Isaac’s Apple

When people first come into contact with systematic ideology they often draw attention to a discrepancy between the basic “model” put forward and the actual behaviour of the groups whose behaviour that model is to explain. Systematic ideology holds that the behaviour of each of the main political groups (Fascist, Conservative, Liberal, Labour, Communist, Anarchist)… read more »
