
Ellis Hillman: A Word of History

Readers may be interested to know that Harold Walsby’s arrival in the pages of The Socialist Leader was no accident. I had been having a number of discussions with George Stone, the Editor, about ways and means of widening the appeal and circulation of the journal, and he asked me to approach new and stimulating… read more »

George Walford: The End of Work (10)

The series IC was running under this head has not been abandoned, only squeezed out by other things. The main point to be developed is the absence of any natural, inborn or inherent need of work. There are people, lots of them, who feel this need, but it has been acquired in the course of… read more »

George Walford: Announcements

HAS UTOPIA A FUTURE? Conference at Conway Hall, Sunday 12 July, 11 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Speakers and papers will include: Rod Hackney, President of the R.I.B.A. on “Community Architecture.” Christopher Hampton on “Blake and the New Jerusalem.” Steve Coleman on “Utopia and Impossibility.” Michael Raptis on “Socialism and Utopia.” Ellis Hillman on “Subterranean Utopias.”… read more »

George Walford: Editorial Notes (28)

CORRECTION IC25 included a brief note correcting certain ideas put forward in Ideologies and their Functions. On page seven of this present issue these corrections are set out more fully. MOZAMBIQUE In Mozambique they starve while Europe wonders what to do with mountains of “surplus” food. But disgust is a gut-reaction that helps nobody; before… read more »

George Walford: New Readers Start Here (28)

Revision of June 1987. Ideological Commentary is devoted to the development and exposition of systematic ideology, a theory originated and largely developed by the late Harold Walsby. We do not claim final or exhaustive understanding of it; the formulation that looked like the ultimate last month needs alteration now, and the partial account given here… read more »
